If you are a speech-language pathologist...
Camp Shout Out is a continuing education opportunity to actively learn about helping school-age children and teens who stutter. This hands-on, well-supported training experience involves both small and large group interactions. You collaborate with certified experts in stuttering while gaining insight into campers' experiences, thoughts, and feelings related to communication. Critical thinking skills are highlighted and enhanced throughout, and time is allotted for old-fashioned camp fun! Participants are carefully selected by application each year.
If you are a graduate student...
If you have a strong interest in learning more about children who stutter, you are encouraged to apply to this unique opportunity. In addition to hands-on experiences, you collaborate with fluency experts, speech-language pathologists from across the globe, and graduate students from other universities. Throughout the week the opportunity to participate in traditional camp activities is provided. Practicum hours are available with prior university approval.
Important Program Information
Open on January 1st and close when full
Notification of Acceptance:
Occurs on a rolling basis
Training Dates for 2025:
August 2nd, 9:00 a.m. ET- August 9th, 5:00 p.m. ET
Fee: $800
(This fee includes ASHA CEs, training booklet, camp-style shared air-conditioned lodging, all meals, and related special activities)
Learning Objectives Include:
Explore the history, potential contributing factors, and negative impacts of stuttering across a small group of campers.
Document a visual representation of 1-2 campers' CASE Profiles.
Implement therapeutic interventions designed to reduce the negative impacts of stuttering across 1-2 campers' environments.
Integrate reinforcement across Five Areas of Focus throughout the week.
Problem-solve therapeutic interactions referencing a Circle of Principles through discussion and journaling.
Implement qualitative data collection at the beginning and end of camp.
Collaborate with 1-2 campers and document Exit Plan Recommendations and share with caregiver/s.
Join the network of speech-language pathologists who have attended Camp Shout Out! Participants have come from Michigan, Alabama, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Minnesota, Montana, New York, Iowa, Virginia, Nevada, Kansas, New Jersey, Missouri, Georgia, New Mexico, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas, Washington, Illinois, Canada, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Belgium, South Korea, and more!

Important Program Information
Open on January 1st and close on March 10th
Notification of Acceptance:
Occurs on or prior to March 31.
Training Dates for 2025:
August 2nd, 9:00 a.m. ET- August 9th, 5:00 p.m. ET
Fee: $500
(This fee includes a training booklet, camp-style shared air-conditioned lodging, all meals, and related special activities)
*Graduate Students must have successfully completed one year of graduate school AND a fluency course at either the undergraduate or graduate level in order to apply to Camp Shout Out.
**If you wish to receive clinical practicum hours, please have your university supervisor contact us.
Learning Objectives Include:
Explore the history, potential contributing factors, and negative impacts of stuttering across a small group of campers.
Document a visual representation of 1-2 campers' CASE Profiles.
Implement therapeutic interventions designed to reduce the negative impacts of stuttering across 1-2 campers' environments.
Integrate reinforcement across Five Areas of Focus throughout the week.
Problem-solve therapeutic interactions referencing a Circle of Principles through discussion and journaling.
Implement qualitative data collection at the beginning and end of camp.
Collaborate with 1-2 campers and document Exit Plan Recommendations and share with caregiver/s.
Join the network of graduate students who have attended Camp Shout Out!
Some of our attendees have come from:
Western Michigan University, University of Western Ontario, Central Michigan University, Minnesota State, Seton Hall, Calvin College, University of Texas, Northern Arizona University, Teacher’s College: Columbia University, Michigan State University, Northwestern University, University of Pittsburgh, Eastern Michigan University, George Washington University, University of Kansas, Misericordia, Fontbonne, Wayne State, Ball State, Grand Valley, University of Wisconsin, University of Montana, and more!